When driving trough Hookipa, the wind looks a bit week. We stopped by lanes and I took a couple of pictures from windsurfers on Lanes. (click on picture above)
We headed then to Kanaha.(click on picture above) Was on water from around 12.30, the wind was quite strong, had my 4,7 tuned up. The waves was quite big, I think maybe head to logo high, and the swell outside of the reef was really nice with good order, sometimes really big out there, which is a really nice nature experience, and in my opinion it was quite easy to pick out some good ones to follow down to the reef. But in the start was it quite choppy in the waves. A bit later the wind dropped a lot, and I had to take a brake. Later I rigged up my 5,3 and that was perfect for me. The waves was now much more glassy, and more cleaner. Had some really good rides, but so far I did not go down as aggressively as I should want to. Feel the board and sail sometime is a bit out of control when going fast on a wave. I have still my JP rww, 76 litres, and it is a bit too wide in big waves. Have now planes to test out a Goya or Quatro board, to test out how it works in waves. Took some pictures in a brake on Kanaha. So sorry not big quality pictures, sheep objective and it was a bit cloudy this day. We were out on the water until sunset, but for me with a lot of brakes with food and propel sports water and in the end a Redbul to squeeze max out of this fantastic day.
After windsurf Lower KTo day is it swell, not as big as yesterday, but unfortunately no wind. But after all ok with a day to rest. Think my body and scar from meeting with reef need a day off.
3 kommentarer:
Really like the sunset picture with the last sailors leaving the water. captures the essence of "sunset surf" ! you and mathias need to get some surfboards for the weekend by the way !
Thanks you for picture compliment.
For sure we have to find som surf boards again.
Utrolig fine bilder!For en stemning! Her skraper jeg is av bilen om morgenen, men det er fortsatt deilig høstluft ute :-) Fint å få ta del i litt " Hawaii stemning ", klem fra 23.00
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